Prepare Ginger Root 准备姜根
Take a before photo of your ginger root.拍一张姜根之前的照片。
Place ginger root between damp tea towels or paper towels. Towel should be moist but not soaking wet.将生姜根放在湿茶巾或纸巾之间。毛巾应湿润但不能浸湿。
Place towel in plastic food bag or container and stash in dark, warm kitchen cupboard.将毛巾放在塑料食品袋或容器中,然后藏在黑暗、温暖的厨房橱柜中。
Set reminder on your phone to check on it every 3 days.在手机上设置提醒,每 3 天检查一次。
Check for changes by carefully unwrapping ginger root. Examine and photograph, then rewrap, bag, and return to cupboard.仔细打开姜根,检查是否有变化。检查并拍照,然后重新包装、装袋并放回橱柜。
After 7-10 days the nodes on the ginger root will begin to swell and sprout roots.7-10 天后,生姜根上的节点将开始膨胀并生根。
In 4-6 weeks the roots should be long enough for planting. Some will be 2-3 inches long.在 4-6 周内,根应该足够长,可以种植。有些会长 2-3 英寸。
Plant Sprouted Ginger 植物发芽姜
After 4-6 weeks, when some roots are 2-3 inches long, it's ready for planting.4-6 周后,当一些根长到 2-3 英寸时,就可以种植了。
Fill 8-inch flower pot with potting mix leaving two inches below pot lip. Water thoroughly and top up soil as needed.用盆栽混合物填充 8 英寸花盆,在盆唇下方留下两英寸。根据需要彻底浇水并补足土壤。
Lay sprouted ginger root on soil and cover in one inch of potting mix. If planting several, allow a few inches between them in the container. Water again and top up soil as needed stopping one inch below lip of pot.将发芽的生姜根放在土壤上,并覆盖一英寸的盆栽混合物。如果种植多个,请在容器中让它们之间留出几英寸的距离。再次浇水并根据需要加满土壤,停在盆唇下方一英寸处。
Grow Your Ginger Plant种植你的生姜
Choose a sunny location but not in direct, hot sun where it could dry out. Ideal temperature is 75-85°F (24-29°C) with 40-50% relative humidity.选择一个阳光充足的地方,但不要在阳光直射的地方,否则它可能会变干。理想温度为 75-85°F (24-29°C),相对湿度为 40-50%。
Keep soil moist but not damp.保持土壤湿润但不潮湿。
In 2-4 weeks shoots should emerge from soil and your plant will grow.2-4 周后,新芽就会从土壤中长出来,您的植物就会生长。
How To Sprout Ginger Root (& Indoor Growing Tips)
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These step-by-step instructions show you how to grow ginger root from the grocery store. By propagating the root you can grow a new plant that will also produce more ginger rhizomes (the part we eat).
You can also grow your own avocado plant from seed and grow mango using these instructions.

Growing Ginger

Learn how to use ginger root from the grocery store to grow ginger plants. Grow them as houseplants or keep them outdoors in the summer in cold climates. As the rhizomes grow and spread, you will have ginger to harvest.
What is Ginger? 什么是生姜?
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a tropical herbaceous perennial. If you live in a cold climate, this means you can grow it as a houseplant indoors year-round and keep it outside in the summer months, if you like.
姜 (Zingiber officinale) 是一种热带多年生草本植物。如果你生活在寒冷的气候中,这意味着你可以全年将它作为室内植物种植在室内,如果你愿意,可以在夏季将其放在室外。
That ginger root that you buy at the grocery store is all you need to start your own ginger houseplant.
It’s Really a Rhizome 真的是根茎
To be more accurate, what we call ginger root is really a rhizome. Roots grow from the rhizome, but we don’t eat those. But, the common term is ginger root, so we’ll roll with it.
Ginger is used as a spice for cooking, smoothies, and some baking like ginger snaps. You might use dried ginger, ginger powder, or fresh, chopped or grated ginger.
For many years ginger was regarded as a good remedy for nausea (ginger ale), but research has not confirmed this.
The Rhizome Grows the Plant 根茎长出植物
The rhizome not only provides the spice but that’s the part we root and grow into a new plant.
As it grows, more rhizomes will form, giving you new ginger to harvest.
Some ginger growing methods soak the root overnight and then plant it. And this can definitely work.
I prefer to use the method shown below because it guarantees I am planting a viable rhizome and won’t be disappointed.
I’ll show you how to select a good candidate for rooting, how to make it sprout, and how to continue growing it as a houseplant.
And I’ve answered frequently asked questions about growing ginger here.
How to Grow Ginger Root 如何种植姜根

1 Choose Living Ginger Root

TIP: If you’re planning to eat your ginger, if possible, start with organically-grown ginger, free of growth retardants.
I use ginger from the grocery store, but you can also purchase it from some plant nurseries specifically for this purpose.
Look for pieces that are firm, healthy-looking (not dry or shriveled), show no signs of damage, and have ‘eyes’ (see the circled example in the photo, above). These are the little nubs like the ones on potatoes that will grow roots under the right conditions.
You might also find a piece of ginger that is sprouting in the store: that works fine!
Start with 2 or 3 rhizomes if you want to be sure to get at least one plant.
如果您想确保至少种植一株植物,请从 2 或 3 个根茎开始。
If you want to go big, root 3-6 pieces of ginger and plant them all in one pot.
如果你想做大,可以生姜 3-6 片,然后将它们全部种在一个花盆里。
Related: How to Grow Mango from Seed
2 Sprout Your Ginger Root

The arrows show nubs that will grow roots and shoots.
- Wash and dry the ginger root (rhizome) and take a few photos of it.
洗净并擦干姜根(根茎)并拍几张照片。 - Wrap it in damp (not soaking wet) cloth or paper towels and place in a plastic bag.

Ginger wrapped in moist paper towel, placed in plastic bag.
It is possible that your ginger root may have been treated with a growth inhibitor, but the presence of emerging buds is a good sign it will sprout.
- Stash bag in your kitchen cabinet. A temperature around 70°F (21°C) is fine. The combination of moisture and warmth will cause it to sprout.
把袋子藏在你的厨柜里。 70°F (21°C) 左右的温度就可以了。水分和温暖的结合会使它发芽。 - Set an alert on your phone to check it every three days.
3 Monitor Growth
Take photos! At first it will be hard to tell the nubs are growing but you can confirm it by comparing photos along the way.

After two weeks, the roots and shoots are starting to grow.
- After approximately 7-10 days, you should definitely start seeing growth from the eyes/nubs.
大约 7-10 天后,您肯定会开始看到眼睛/小块的生长。 - Return the ginger to the damp towel in the plastic bag until the shoots and roots are a few inches long.
Here’s mine after 4 weeks: 这是我 4 周后的:

Growth after 4 weeks in damp paper towel and bag.
在湿纸巾和袋子中 4 周后生长。
Be careful each time you unwrap and rewrap the ginger to avoid breaking any new roots or shoots.
Here it is after 5 weeks:
这是 5 周后的样子:

Growth after 5 weeks. 5周后生长。
Related: How to Grow an Apple Tree From Seed
4 Plant Sprouted Root 植物发芽根
After 4-6 weeks, your ginger root should be ready for planting in a pot. The largest roots and shoots should be a couple of inches long. I like flower pots with saucers like these ones.
4-6 周后,您的生姜根应该可以种在花盆里了。最大的根和芽应该有几英寸长。我喜欢像这样带有碟子的花盆。

This sprouted ginger is ready for planting after 6 weeks.
这种发芽的生姜在 6 周后就可以种植了。
The whole thing may look odd but if there’s new growth, you’re good.
In the photo (above), I know that horn-shaped growth on the right is a shoot, not a root, so I have aimed it upward in the pot.
If you are planting more than one sprouted ginger, use a nice wide pot and place them side by side with a few inches space between them for the rhizomes to expand.
Pot Size and Potting Mix 花盆大小和盆栽组合
Choose a pot several inches wider than your ginger root is long. If it’s 3-inches long, use a 6 to 8-inch wide x 6-inch deep pot with drainage holes. These plants grow wider as the root spreads.
选择一个比姜根长几英寸宽的花盆。如果它长 3 英寸,请使用 6 到 8 英寸宽 x 6 英寸深的带排水孔的花盆。随着根的蔓延,这些植物变得更宽。
- Fill pot with houseplant potting mix (we use the words ‘potting mix’, ‘growing medium’, and ‘soil’ interchangeably here but never use garden soil), water thoroughly, and gently press soil mix down into pot.
将室内植物盆栽混合物装满花盆(我们在这里可以互换使用“盆栽混合物”、“生长介质”和“土壤”,但从不使用花园土壤),彻底浇水,然后轻轻地将土壤混合物压入盆中。 - Plant sprouted ginger two inches below lip of pot. If you can tell which part is a shoot, aim that up. If not, the plant will sort it out as it grows.
在盆唇下方两英寸处种植发芽的生姜。如果你能分辨出哪个部分是射击,那就瞄准它。如果没有,植物会在生长过程中解决它。 - Cover with additional inch of potting mix and water again. All parts of the ginger should be covered.
Flower Pots | Amazon
花盆 |亚马逊
5 Ginger Plant Care 生姜植物护理
Place your ginger pot in a warm, sunny (not hot) location.
- The ideal growing temperature is higher than many of us keep our homes (75-85°F | 24-29°C). My house stays around 65-75°F (18-24°C) and it’s growing fine.
理想的生长温度高于我们许多人在家中的温度 (75-85°F | 24-29°C)。我的房子保持在 65-75°F(18-24°C)左右,并且生长良好。 - Keep soil moist (not soaking wet).
保持土壤湿润(不要浸湿)。 - Like many tropical plants, ginger likes 40-50% relative humidity. Some gardeners use a drip tray filled with water to catch water spills.
像许多热带植物一样,生姜喜欢 40-50% 的相对湿度。一些园丁使用装满水的滴水盘接住溢出的水。
In 2-4 weeks, a shoot should emerge from the soil:
2-4 周后,土壤中应会长出新芽:

Ginger plant growth two weeks after planting sprouted ginger rhizome in potting mix.
Here it is about a month later:

Ginger plant 11 weeks after putting rhizome in damp paper towel.
将根茎放在湿纸巾中 11 周后生姜植物。
Six weeks after planting, my most recent ginger plant is 3-feet tall with one single stalk and 7 long, narrow leaves. It resembles a very tall, thick blade of grass.
种植六周后,我最近的一株姜有 3 英尺高,只有一根茎和 7 片又长又窄的叶子。它就像一片很高很厚的草叶。

As the plant grows, new ginger roots will develop in the potting mix.
- If you’re going to eat the ginger rhizome, pick a safe, slow-release organic fertilizer suitable for food crops.
如果你打算吃姜根茎,选择一种安全、缓释的适合粮食作物的有机肥料。 - I switch around to test different products but right now I’m using a fish emulsion in very low doses each time I water.
Harvesting Ginger
- After a few years of growth, you can harvest some of the roots once per year, leaving the rest to continue growing.
经过几年的生长,您可以每年收获一次根,让其余的继续生长。 - The older the ginger root, the better the flavor.
姜根越老,味道越好。 - You can also divide the older rhizomes to create several new plants.
Outdoor Summer Care 户外夏季护理
- During warm months, you can keep your ginger outdoors in a sheltered location, avoiding blazing sun.
在温暖的月份,您可以将生姜放在室外有遮蔽的地方,避免烈日暴晒。 - Follow normal precautions when bringing it back indoors for the winter including cleaning the plant and inspecting for insects or diseases.
Frequently-Asked Questions 经常问的问题

Yes, it is possible to roots some types of ginger from the grocery store. However, if the ginger has been treated with growth retardants, which are used to prevent sprouting in the store, it may not sprout for you at home either.
There likely is not a way to check for this other than buying some and trying to sprout it.
That said, I always use grocery store ginger for mine and have never had a problem.
When you plant a ginger root (which is really a rhizome), it takes about 2-3 years for it to be mature enough to harvest. The older it is, the better the flavor.
当你种植姜根(实际上是根茎)时,它需要大约 2-3 年的时间才能成熟到可以收获。越老,味道越好。
Sprouting a ginger rhizome for planting takes a few weeks.
Ginger likes direct but not hot sun. Ginger is a tropical plant originating in the understory of a tropical forest, so it likes moisture and warmth but not direct, hot sun.
See the ginger plant care tips here.
Yes, you can grow ginger indoors year-round in Canada and outdoors as houseplant in summer. Ginger is a tropical plant, not a hardy perennial.
You do not need to soak ginger before planting. The paper towel rooting method offers all the moisture needed for ginger root (rhizomes) to sprout. If ginger is left to sit in water it will eventually rot.
To harvest ginger, dig up the rhizomes and cut off the amount you wish to use from the outer edges of the rhizome. Allow the cuts to heal for a few days then replant the remainder.
The edible part of a ginger plant is the rhizome, which is usually called the root.
Ginger is a spice. Herbs come from the leafy part of plants. Spices come from other parts of plants and trees including bark, roots, and seeds.