Im Johnson Ong, Male, 23 year old. I was born with eczema since birth, 3 years ago my eczema has become so severe I have to consume oral steroid twice a day. The steroid last for 12 hours, once it has passed, my skin started to become hot, red, flake and extremely itchy, that I need to take another dose to stabilize my condition. It affected my entire body, primarily my face that is most severe. This problem has affected my life. I was forced to discontinue my University at my second year and gave up my Degree certificate. During this period of time, I have been consuming steroid to suppress my condition so that I could work for medical expenses.
I’ve tried many different types of treatment including western skin specialist, traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, vegetarian & juice diet, Gerson Theraphy (咖啡灌肠), all kinds of supplements, even drinking holy water etc. All of it that I used tens of thousands of dollars and got no better. At last, I was introduced Yuan Shi Dian by my mother. I was skeptical at first and does not believe in the method because it has many areas that oppose the conventional medical approach. I have no choice but to try it as my final resort. My confidence gain when I saw many different testimonials showing people with even severe skin problem and has recovered.
By then, I started to seek for help from facebook page and do my own research. I started drinking ginger water, use ginger water to bath at least twice a day, and apply ginger paste on oozing areas. I can see great improvements, but once the skin is healed, it started to come back again later. I was thinking there must be something that I’ve missed that is preventing me to recovery fully. At 16th of February, I got the opportunity to go to China, Foshan YuanShiDian center for a 10 day stay. It was the best decision I made in my life to go there. I’ve learnt how to implement Yuan Shi Dian in a very complete extend, and these are the things that I’ve overlooked that has been preventing me from curing. They implement Yuan Shi Dian concept 24-hour, from the time u wake up until the time you go to bed. These are the things that I’ve learnt from Fo Shan and would love to share:
1. Drinking thick ginger water
2. Warm therapy (Wen-fu)
3. Exercise
4. Press-push massage (An-tui)
5. Warm-Hot Diet
6. Sleep early
7. Good emotional condition
8. Eating vegetarian
Thick Ginger Water: I started with 200g of ginger, later slowly increased to 500g. I use 10 bowls of water cooked to 4 bowls and drink throughout the day. Use high heat and boil the water for 1 hour, then low heat to brew for another 2-3 hours and keep warm throughout the day. I did not drink mineral water at all in 10 days period, only ginger water and do not feel thirsty at all. I cook ginger for the second time to gargle, wash face, wash hands and bath.
Warm Therapy: I purchased an electric mattress and use it during my sleep. During the day, I use red bean bag whenever I can. I find it very important, areas that I have covered with the bean bag heal faster and do not itch much.
Exercise: Every day at 6.30am, they will have a group stretching exercise for 30 minutes to 1 hour. It covers the entire body from head to toe. Later on before lunch or dinner, I will jog or climb stairs for 1 hour every day.
An-tui Massage: I An-tui every single points because I have eczema on my entire body. The center only allows to do once a day as the points are allowed to recover. After An-tui, it is a must to immediately put on red bean bag as it is the prime time for the body to absorb the heat energy.
Warm-Hot Diet: The meal times are fixed. 7.30am Breakfast, 12.00pm Lunch, 6pm Dinner. All dishes are cooked with chili, ginger or pepper. Every meal is hot and spicy and it is vegetarian. Fruits are not allowed.
Sleep early: Early rest is important. Adequate rest helps to regenerate a lot of heat energy, while sleeping late will deplete a lot of heat energy. Usually I go to bed at 11pm.
Good emotional condition: Emotions are one of the overlooked aspects. Healthy emotion are crucial to speed up the recovery process. Refrain from being too excited/ angry/ sad. Worker in the center will encourage every patient by sharing testimonials and conduct classes/videos every 7.30pm to guide patient towards emotional balance.
Eating Vegetarian: Although meats are neutral, but the center refrain patient from eating meat due to many meat has been injected with many kinds of growth hormones, hence will harm our health.
Final Word: Every single detail is important and must not overlook, I understand that Yuan Shi Dian is a lifestyle that helps to cure and also maintain long-term good health. It’s been less than a month and I can see great improvements day by day. I am totally thankful to Dr. Chang for inventing Yuan Shi Dian that has helped countless of people in fighting all kinds of illnesses. I would like to share a word from the founder of Fo Shan Yuan Shi Dian center, Tian Ai Min Lao Shi (田爱民老师) : "If you want to recover, you MUST understand Yuan Shi Dian’s CONCEPT (观念), if you do not understand, you will never recover. The only way to understand is to read the handbook for many times, and also to watch all the videos by Dr Chang over and over again. Yuan Shi Dian is self-dependant.
我叫Johnson Ong男性, 今年23岁, 自出生以来就有湿疹, 三年前更见严重而需每日口服类固醇两次, 一次维持12小时, 药性过后皮肤就会又红又热又薄,而且特别痕痒, 一定要服用药物才可控制病情! 我是全身性的, 面部最严重, 这影响到我的生活, 我被迫在大学第二年停学, 放弃大学学位课程! 这段期间我能够工作赚取医疗费用, 都是一直靠服用类固醇控制病情!
已经试过多种疗法及药物了, 包括看皮肤专家, 中医, 阿育吠陀疗法, 生机饮食, 咖啡灌肠等, 也试过各种保健品, 甚至圣水, 花了数以万元也未见好转, 最后我妈妈介绍原始点给我, 首先我就是怀疑, 不相信, 因为它在很多范畴与传统医学相抵触, 但在没有选择的情况下只好最后一试了! 令我信心大增的是看到很多严重皮肤案例都得以康复! 我开始上网找资料, 又在面书寻求帮助, 自己开始喝姜汤, 一天最少两次姜水洗澡, 渗血的地方用姜泥敷, 看到有很大的进展, 不过皮肤好了一阵子, 又会复发, 心想一定是有什么地方出错或做不足的, 怎样才可以完完全全康复呢?
今年二月十六日, 有幸有机会到大陆佛山原始点中心逗留十天, 这是我人生中最明智的决择! 我在那学会了一丝不苟地采用原始点处理, 这是我以前忽略了而未能完全康复的原因, 他们是24小时处理实行原始点的, 由你早上起来到睡觉, 以下是我在中心学会而值此分享给大家!
1, 喝浓姜汤
2, 温敷
3, 运动
4, 推按
5, 温热饮食
6, 早睡
7, 良好心态
8, 素食
浓姜汤: 我开始是200克鲜姜, 慢慢加到50克干姜,十碗水煮剩四碗整天喝, 首先高火一小时再慢火2至3小时, 保温整天喝, 在这十天完全没有喝矿泉水, 只喝姜汤, 一点儿也不会觉得渴, 第二轮姜汤就用来漱口, 洗脸, 洗澡!
温敷: 晚间睡觉就用电暖毯, 日间尽量用红豆袋温敷, 这个很重要, 因为只要是红豆袋包着温敷的地方复原也较快, 也比较不痒!
运动: 每早六时半起床, 全组人做三十分钟至一小时的伸展运动, 运动到全身由头到脚趾, 午饭或晚饭前, 我会慢跑或爬楼梯一小时!
推按: 因为我是全身性, 所以每一点都要推按, 中心只每日做一次, 因以要时间让其康复, 推按完, 即时红豆袋温敷, 这个是身体吸收热能的黄金时段, 所以十分重要!
温热饮食: 每日用餐时间规定为早餐7:30am, 午餐12:00pm, 晚餐6:00pm 所有菜式都加入辣椒, 姜或胡椒, 每一餐都是温热的素菜, 不吃水果!
早睡十分重要: 适当休息可帮助增加热能, 迟睡热能会流失, 我是11时就睡觉!
良好心态: 情绪管理是我疏忽的一环, 心情愉悦可加速病情康复, 克制自己不要过份兴奋, 嬲怒或伤心! 中心人员鼓励患者分享自身案例, 每天7:30pm有讲课活动及播放视频, 指导我们平衡心态!
素食: 虽然肉是平的, 中心禁止我们吃肉, 因为很多动物都被注入过激素, 激素对身体有害!
后结: 每一个细节都太重要了, 都不能忽略, 我明白到原始点是一种生活方式, 帮助我们防治疾病, 帮助我们拥有长远永久健康的身体! 一个月内我就能有此成绩, 看到自己每一天都在进步, 十分感激张医师研发的原始点, 帮助无以为计的患者处理各种疾病!
现在让我来分享佛山田老师的一句话: 如果你想康复, 你一定要清楚原始点观念, 否则你永远没法好, 唯一方法是阅读原始点小册子无数次, 一而再, 再而三地观看所有原始点视频, 因为原始点是自助自救的!
分享: Rowena
- 001. 原始点医学答疑(血小板减少推揉哪里?湿疹推揉哪里?醉酒推揉哪里?)
- 002. 原始点医学答疑(皮肤病,鬼风疙瘩也就是荨麻疹能治吗?)
- 003. 原始点医学答疑(全身都是湿疹而且痒该怎么处理?)
- 004. 案例分享:原始点处理严重的青春痘和脂溢性皮炎的成功案例
- 005. 案例分享:温敷的奇迹——原始点调理带状疱疹的案例
- 006. 原始点调理23年严重湿疹:《21天的震撼》
- 007. 案例分享:马来西亚男孩严重湿疹,10天大变样
- 008. 案例分享:巨痒湿疹案例
- 009. 案例分享:原始点调理带状疱疹的案例
- 010. 案例分享:原始点调理5年慢性荨麻疹
- 011. 案例分享:原始点调理8年手肘湿疹案例
- 012. 皮肤病-鬼风疙瘩也就是荨麻疹,能治吗?
- 013. 带状疱疹案例(美国加州)
- 014. 带状疱疹案例(美国加州)最新2017版案例
- 015. 湿疹案例(Jason)
- 016. 喝姜汤会造成湿疹吗?我该如何正确应用内热源?
- 017. 案例分享:原始点调理父亲的“带状疱疹”
- 018. 原始点调理严重湿疹:找回帅气的自己
- 019. 严重湿疹案例(青岛)
- 020. 【原始点案例】调理小侄子10岁水痘纪实 济宁刘敏 分享
- 021. 带状疱疹案例 30年顽固湿疹 便秘、肚子痛被折腾到接近命危案例
- 022. 原始点调理带状疱疹:轻松快捷效果好
- 023. 顾女士66岁新疆伊宁市开发区 调理带状疱疹:又快又彻底 2018年9月
- 024. 厦门同学水痘案例
- 025. 带状疱疹案例
- 026. 50年干癣案例 影响生活机能,运用原始点五宝,改善困扰2019.3
- 027. 厦门水痘三天痊愈
- 028. 姜膏抹脸防斑去斑案例!
- 029. 【案例】隔姜灸调理带状疱疹一例
- 030. 案例分享:原始点调理带状疱疹案例
- 031. 案例分享:原始点调理全身奇痒无比的湿疹案例
- 032. 案例分享:原始点调理十几年的手指换季长水痘的案例
- 033. 案例分享:原始点调理五岁小孩长水痘案例
- 034. 案例分享:原始点调理成人水痘案例
- 035. 案例分享:原始点调理小孩水痘与右腿扭伤无法下地案例
- 036. 佛山原始点中心学员花开深圳:妈妈用原始点为七岁儿调理水痘9天康复案例
- 037. 皮肤病应用原始点康复案例-官网案例
- 038. 荨麻疹儿童解症案例
- 039. 30年顽固湿疹15天痊愈- 普救非药物自然疗法
- 040. 婴幼儿湿疹怎么办?(附手法视频)
- 041. 案例分享:原始点调理带状疱疹两次后结痂脱落案例
- 042. 案例分享:原始点调理孩子水痘案例
- 043. 【原始点案例】原始点调理孩子水痘案例!
- 044. 40年荨麻疹,严重便秘,停经半年
- 045. 案例分享:原始点调理荨麻疹的好转反应。
- 046. 厦门家至善小义工长水痘自我调理康复案例
- 047. 全身严重湿疹,乳腺增生,眼睛干涩,腰痛等
- 048. 姜膏姜丸的分享(妙用)
- 049. 泛发性湿疹案例
- 050. 案例分享:馨心公益联合原始点公益帮助大山深处女孩调理全身干癣的案例
- 051. 皮肤病应用原始点康复案例(吉林纪春兰)·2019年7月
- 052. 案例分享:原始点调理小孩疑似荨麻疹的案例
- 053. 初中生急性荨麻疹两天康复
- 054. 代女士,49岁 带状疱疹案例 2020/12/4
- 055. 原始点调理全身湿疹案例
- 056. 案例分享:原始点调理小孩荨麻疹,脚肿的案例。
- 057. 案例分享:原始点调理婴幼儿拉绿粑粑一个多月的案例
- 058. 多年尿失禁,乳腺增生,40年荨麻疹,严重便秘
- 059. 两岁宝宝过敏性麻疹
- 060. 小狗皮肤发炎
- 061. 皮肤过敏,痔疮
- 062. 严重湿疹,真菌感染
- 063. 济南华山原始点群案例分享及群讨论
- 064. 案例分享:原始点调理带状疱疹三次见效的案例
- 065. 小孩全身过敏姜水,温敷!擦姜膏三天症状消失
- 066. 出水痘及姜膏的应用
- 067. 姜膏案例集锦!
- 068. 老太太八十岁2020年10月 过敏性皮肤炎案例
- 069. 91岁家母荨麻疹 及晕倒案例2020年10月
- 070. 手足口病,原始点处理一天好了大半(多例)
- 071. 荨麻疹
- 072. 李先生2021年带状疱疹案例 日期:2021/3/13
- 073. 厦门陈女士带状疱疹三天消失疼痛七天消失
- 074. 严重皮肤病案例 日期:2021/4/9
- 075. 带状疱疹案例 12天阙师姐完全康复了
- 076. 案例分享:原始点调理小孩湿疹的案例
- 077. 婴儿发烧起红疹案例
- 078. 微问答246期:荨麻疹反复发作原始点可以调理吗?
- 079. 带状疱疹案例两则
- 080. 红斑荨麻疹案例 2020年11月17日 温昌琴,女, 35岁,四川人 原始点调理第13天症状完全消失。
- 081. 原始点调理红斑荨麻疹案例
- 082. 自身得水痘自我调理案例-厦门黄学员2021.6.20补充
- 083. 2021620 张医师线上教学提问及答疑 及新书出版说明 -课堂笔记
- 084. 水痘案例(佛山)2020年9月
- 085. 原始点调理23年严重湿疹:《21天的震撼》Johnson Ong 23岁马来西亚
- 086. 几十年的神经性皮炎原始点调理好
- 087. 严重皮肤病案例2020年6月
- 088. 术后药物引起皮肤过敏案例
- 089. 厦门周女士分享婆婆带状疱疹案例
- 090. 内蒙古48岁贾崇杰 干性湿疹案例
- 091. 原始点调理带状疱疹后遗症案例(王凡) - 皮肤 - 佛山市愿天下无痛健康管理服务有限公司
- 092. 原始点调理带状疱疹:又快又彻底 - 皮肤 - 佛山市愿天下无痛健康管理服务有限公司
- 093. 原始点调理带状疱疹:轻松快捷效果好 - 皮肤 - 佛山市愿天下无痛健康管理服务有限公司
- 094. 原始点调理带状疱疹:12天恢复+意外收获 - 皮肤 - 佛山市愿天下无痛健康管理服务有限公司
- 095. 赖清萍,51岁20多年湿疹,原始点调理三十三天,各种症状改善九成,全身湿疹已好。
- 096. 案例分享:原始点调理小孩毛囊炎反复发作的案例
- 097. 2021实作教学-皮肌炎 2022年1月2日 涂姜粉泥
- 098. 异位性皮肤炎案例(王小姐)
- 099. 带状疱疹案例(美国加州)
- 100. 姜粉治愈腿痒案例2020/7/28
- 101. 2022/9/25 原始点实作教学与答疑 实作分享1.带状疱疹2.脑瘤三叉神经痛
- 102. 泛发性湿疹
- 103. 牛皮癣 杨先生山东龙口人现居北京69岁 2010年开始发现有牛皮癣
- 104. 各种皮肤病和伤口的处理方法解说 2022&各种皮肤病和伤口提问及答疑汇总
- 105. 姜膏制作方法,姜膏,姜软膏的介绍 应用情景,41个案例和研发2022年9月
- 106. 学原始点我喜欢两个善缘 滚水姜粉浴* 宋 柏 *2024
- 107. 2024年06月23日 实作教学 答疑。重症处理及案例分享 临终关怀 #淋巴水肿 #湿疹 #临终患者