小叶宝宝发高烧 (马来西亚案例) Baby High Fever (Malaysia case)
I took my 7-month-old baby to the swimming pool.
Later, I showered him with cold water.
After the shower,
I let my baby basking under the sun.
Upon reaching home,
I found that my baby started to have high fever up to 38.4 degree Celsius
My baby was born from a vegetarianism pregnancy.
He was a "Yuan Shi Dian baby" as well
because during my pregnancy,
I implemented Yuan Shi Dian methods everyday,
such as drinking ginger soup, sleeping on electric blankets, Antui and so forth.
This was the first time my baby got sick.
My husband and I have learned Yuan Shi Dian.
We used to be the volunteers of C.C.H. Yuan Shi Dian Malaysia Organisation.
So, we decided to use the Yuan Shi Dian methods to treat our baby.
We didn't seek for Western medicine treatment
and our baby didn't take any Western medicine.
My neighbour continued to persuade my mother-in-law
to seek Western medicine treatment to avoid damage of the baby's brain.
Fortunately, my mother-in-law has no objection
for us to apply the Yuan Shi Dian methods to treat our baby.
In fact, before my baby having high fever,
I have started to boil ginger soup using about 20-30 grams of dried ginger slices every day
and let my baby drank it.
I would use the milk bottle or spoon to feed my baby with ginger soup
and each feeding was about 20 – 30 ml.
My baby did not resist
in fact love it
and not afraid of spicy either.
Occasionally, I let my baby drank a little ginseng soup.
When my baby sleeps in the cradle,
I will place the heat pack on him.
If sleeping on the bed,
I will let him sleep on electric blanket
to continuously Wenfu for him.
In fact, ever since the baby was born,
he has been sleeping on the electric blanket every night.
After Wenfu, my baby will perspire,
I will then change his clothes
to ensure that he will not catch cold.
Such a good baby. He did not cry even though he was sick,
He rested well.
I Antui his entire body,
he would cry whenever we happened to Antui the Yuan Shi Tong Dian
and tried to avoid and kick.
Although the thermometer showed that the baby has a high fever of 38.4 degrees,
but while applying the Yuan Shi Dian methods to treat,
the baby was still in good spirit and stamina.
He continued to play and have fun with his Dad.
He wasn't looked like a sick baby.
A day later, my baby has completely recovered.
From this experience,
I have learned that,
more Heat Energy will be expended when one is sick.
Even having high fever,
one has to be continously replenished Heat Sources to prevent Heat Energy Deficiency,
to allow our body to self recover.
Most importantly, parents should have knowledge about Yuan Shi Dian
and to implement the Yuan Shi Dian methods with perseverance.
I hope that case study of my baby
will encourage more parents to learn Yuan Shi Dian.
Do not panic when our baby is sick,
We can treat our baby with the simplest and most effective Yuan Shi Dian methods.
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原文始发于微信公众号(普救非药物自然疗法):小叶宝宝发高烧(马来西亚案例) Baby High Fever Case (Malaysia)
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