严重呕吐及无法吞食 (马来西亚案例) Severe Vomiting and Inability To Eat (Malaysia)
Beginning November 2018, I have frequent chest tightness and vomiting.
Whatever food eaten would be stuck at the throat, unable to be swallowed.
After eating,
I was suffering and just had to throw up the food,
only then I would feel comfortable. Otherwise all those food would just blocked there
and I would have pain in chest and serious chest tightness
as though my chest was going to split.
Basically, I could not even eat porridge.
I would just keep throwing it up
and would only feel relieved after vomiting.
on December 16, 2018
I visited C.C.H. Yuan Shi Dian Malaysia Organisation with my wife
in order to seek assistance from the volunteers.
While the volunteer Antui my wife's upper back, she vomitted profusely.
The vomiting was intensive till I have to get a bucket for her to vomit.
I felt severe pain when the volunteer Antui for me.
I was exhausted and retching loudly.
I had difficulties in breathing and severe pain in chest.
Then, the volunteer told me that
I need to Antui and implement the YSD methods daily at home
such as drinking ginger soup, sun bathing, exercise and avoid consuming food of cold and cool nature.
After that, I Antui the Head and Upper Back Yuan Shi Dian for my wife every day.
I boiled ginger soup using 30 grams of dried ginger slices.
My wife did not exercise, always stay up late and slept late.
She consumed at least 6 to 7 cups of coffee daily and does not like spicy food.
Although my husband Antui and boiled ginger soup for me to drink daily,
I drank but I still have the symptom of vomiting.
Whatever eaten would still be stucked at the throat and unable to be swallowed.
December 23, 2018, my husband brought me to C.C.H. Yuan Shi Dian Malaysian Organisation again.
When the volunteer Antui for me, I still felt very painful and vomited intensively.
I felt that there was no improvement.
After consulting with the volunteer,
we understood why there was no improvement to my wife's problem of inability to eat.
My Hands-On Technique was not proper and my wife did not actively implement YSD methods.
After that, I used 50 grams of dried ginger slices to boil ginger soup.
I Antui for my wife daily and persisted in accompanying my wife to exercise together for two hours.
After one and a half months of continued implementation of the YSD methods,
my wife's condition has improved tremendously
I could eat normally now.
I would not vomit anymore during Antui. My headache, fear of cold and numbness in the hands and feet problems
have also improved.
Thanks to YSD for solving my severe problem of inablilty to eat.
Now I am able to enjoy my meals happily.
Grateful to YSD!
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原文始发于微信公众号(普救非药物自然疗法):严重呕吐及无法吞食案例 (马来西亚) Severe Vomiting &Inability To Eat (Malaysia