Part 1:
呕吐的严重程度是早上睡醒不能起身, 要在床上用最慢的速度吃, 吃了也不能立刻下床, 说吐就吐, 有时候来不及去洗手间, 就吐在地上了。吐得眼泪自动在流。丈夫只能安慰,什么都做不了, 所以也落泪。
吃不饱还头痛, 还要继续授课 (我从事教育界) 很累, 很压力。大家说怀孕要多少有走动, 我却连上自家楼梯都不行, 拿个扫把扫地都累, 很喘。 之后听说吃泡参会好。买了几百块马币, 喝了还是一样, 吐得更厉害, 喘没好。胎儿重了, 我睡觉不容易翻身, 腰酸背痛, 彻夜难眠啊! 重点是, 必须继续每天14小时的工作。
按推痛点很痛, 很痛很痛!
但很神奇, 落实几天发现头发没有落了! 头痛也好了! 剩下耳鸣怎么推都不好, 只能减轻。也非常助眠!
按推了1-2个月, 丈夫说我颈项到肩膀原本肌肉硬的, 似乎变软了。我想那应该是好的现象。所以也没有停止落实。
孕期间, 老人家再三强调, 要冲冷水, 最好1天冲2-3次, 把胎内热气逼出来, 自己舒服, 胎儿出来也不黄。 我不知道那是什么道理, 跟了。
后来会了原始点, 我改去2天洗澡一次, 还要用热水洗。平时流汗就抹干, 持续温敷。脚就不再抽筋了。孕期间, 头部和腰部最容易冒大巴冷汗。太虚弱了。
我以为, 这样就可以顺利怀胎和生产了。结果没有。不好的事情还是一直接着来。
Part 2 : Uploaded 14.06.2016
分享了第一篇Part 1文章已有一段时间。感谢原始点依然陪我走到现在。
当时第一篇讲述自己怀孕后的种种问题, 如何与原始点结缘, 一直到生产。也因为忙碌没有把后绪补上。
因为时时不断地听见待产孕妇的喊叫声, 心情也很复杂, 因此无法入眠。才刚入睡, 就被叫醒, 要抽血, 要验血压, 要验血糖, 验脉搏, 验宝宝心跳。。。
或许, 那只是我按推,温敷,及喝姜汤之后所排出来的恶露而已。为什么这么想? 因为自从那天以后, 背后不再酸痛了。
出院后, 丈夫因为连续几天奔波于医院和工作, 也因为担心我和宝宝, 睡眠不足。 开始发烧。 回家把热姜汤喝了。 很快就退烧。 头也不痛了。 1粒药都没有吃。
感谢群主让我有机会发言分享。希望有类似困难的人, 可以获益。
Part 2:
Around my 34th week of pregnancy, I got sudden bleeding and I thought I was going to deliver. But theres no pain at all. I was admitted through emergency ward.
Then, I got injected twice within 24hours. The nurse told me that the injections was to help the function of lungs of my baby incase if she born pre-maturely.
In hospital, I couldn't sleep well listening the yelling of every mom-to-be, I felt stressed. I felt cold and anxious too. When I was just to sleep, the nurses woke me up to check my blood, blood pressure, blood sugar, me and my baby 's heart beats..
It happened and repeated every few hours.
But in OPM, injection is cold (寒). With all the stress, it worsen my body. Its not convenient and hard to Antui and Wenfu in the hospital, I can only asked my husband to bring the ginger powder for me to drink it instantly when needed.
The blood stopped within 24hours. I was allowed to discharge due to undefineable discharge. After that, it took time for me to get back my strength again.
The blood discharge might be the effect after Antui, Wenfu and applied ginger soup. Why I say so? Because since that, I never suffer from any backache.
Those days of stress n worries made my husband felt sleepless. He got fever after I discharge. He drank hot ginger soup, without consuming any drug or medicine, his fever and headache recovered in very short time.
Special thanks to sis Connie Yip