2021年12月12日马来西亚 原始点新常态推广体验服务~
2021年 原始点新常态推广体验服务~ 花絮 (1/3) 志工们在推广服务期间,谨慎认真执行流程、动线、岗位、标准程序等。 感谢志工们的尽心尽力! 感谢学员们的参与及配合! 报名详情,请浏览:https://malaysia.cchysd.org/online-appmt/ The Highlights of Yuan Shi Dian New Normal Promotion and Services 2021 (1/3) During the promotion and services, the volunteers attended to the procedure, flow, duty roster, Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and etc. conscientiously. Thank you for the selfless devotion of the volunteers. Thank you for the participation and kind cooperation of the participants. For more informatio...